As discussed earlier, vitamin D synthesis depends on sunlight, both infrared light which can penetrate the skin 2 to 7 centimeters and UVB light which can only penetrate the skin 1.5 to 1.6 micrometers. The infrared light of the 670 nm cluster resonates with hydrogen bonds on the cholesterol molecule while UVB breaks a specific carbon-hydrogen bond to form precursors of vitamin D.

The presence of deuterium on the cholesterol molecule prevents the non-enzymatic conversion of cholesterol to vitamin D as carbon-deuterium bonds are 7-15 times more difficult to break than are carbon-hydrogen bonds. High tissue levels of deuterium also cause low vitamin D levels, it is not just due to the lack of sunlight.

There are other essential properties of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a component of all cellular membranes but it also travels through the blood carrying the charge received by sunlight in its hydrogen bonds deep into tissues where the cholesterol molecules can pass that same resonance to other structures where photons can otherwise not reach. What is important to realize is that vitamin D is very efficient in carrying light resonance and transferring photon pressure by its many hydrogen bonds acting like a tuning fork placed on the hard surface classroom desk by the teacher for everyone to “hear” the same resonance.

When you have low levels of vitamin D this resonance-carrying molecule is missing from circulation, this has great consequences as it reduces the efficiency of proton tunneling with nature. Life is about moving protons effectively. When this process is not synchronized well due to the lack of sunlight, circulating sterols and vitamin D, our cells can only “sing” out of tune and would walk out on each other (listen to the first line) to cause diseases.