Incorporate the principles of Deutenomic Medicine via integration and awareness of the key elements:

Water, Nutrition, Oxygen, Light, Technology, and Environment

First and foremost we deplete deuterium by the nutrients we consume. Foods and drinks need to be low in deuterium to be healthy. In the order of lowest concentration of deuterium––to be able to produce deuterium-depleted metabolic water efficiently––are natural fats, natural sustainably raised animal protein, and green vegetables without genetic modifications.

For those having diagnosed with advancing stages of disease processes, cancer, metabolic dysfunction such as diabetes, neurocognitive decline, obesity or autoimmune processes, deuterium-depleted water may be essential to bring about a rapid shift.

Oxygen is the rate-limiting step of metabolic water production. Spend time in nature, move naturally and in ways that bring you joy. 

Manage your technology and light environment.

If you like personal recommendations, consider scheduling a consult.